Free Speech and Inclusion: How College Students are Navigating Shifting Speech Norms

September 20, 2023


Culture Wars

More in Common, in partnership with the Constructive Dialogue Institute, analyzes how college students’ political ideology, race, and gender relate to their experiences with free speech and inclusion on campus. 

Key Takeaways

  • 94% of college students agree that “we should listen to others with an open mind, including those with whom we disagree.” 
  • Yet almost half (45%) of all students, including 64% of conservative students, report they are afraid to express their opinions out of fear of offending their peers. 
  • A quarter (25%) of all college students, including 40% of liberal students, report being “somewhat” or “very often” offended by the perspectives shared by their peers. 
  • 1 in 5 students (22%) say they have personally called out or “canceled” others, while 38% of students say they are aware of such an incident. 

Polling Firm: Qualtrics  

Sample Size: n=2,618 US College Students  

Fieldwork Dates: March 27-May 18, 2023 

Margin of Error: +/- 2.0 for US college student avg. 


Co-authored by the Constructive Dialogue Institute and More in Common, this report brings data to inform the public conversation about the current state of free expression and inclusion on college campuses. Using a nationally representative sample of 2,618 college students, we assess whether norms of discourse skew toward liberal values, explore how students across the political spectrum experience their campus dialogue culture, and identify core values that drive conflict surrounding speech.

Statistics showing college students' opinions: 45% are afraid to express their opinions for fear of offending peers, 22% have actively called out or canceled someone or a group, and 25% are regularly offended by classmates' perspectives. Source: Survey of 2,618 college students in Spring 2023.

The data in this report paints a vivid picture where neither freedom of expression nor inclusion is thriving on college campuses across the United States, and the fight over which to prioritize is hindering learning environments desperately in need of both. However, students across all ideologies expressed a value for dialogue, making it evident that there is hope and a path forward for institutional leaders. The recommendations closing the report lay out what a strategic plan toward change could look like for higher education institutions. 

“College classes are a place for students to feel uncomfortable and grapple with difficult concepts in the world. Students need the opportunity to correct one another and have hard and sometimes offensive conversations with one another.”

– Natalie, a conservative and senior at a private school on the West Coast

“[Cancel culture] is just a shift in general culture. Ideas that were once deemed as normal are simply now being confronted and questioned.”

— Eduardo, a liberal and freshman at a public community college on the West Coast

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