


How We Research

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Focus Groups

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Online Communities

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Observational Work

A Few of our Key Reports

Culture Wars, Democracy & Elections, Immigration & Refugees, Narrative & Communications, American Identity
Cover titled 'Hidden Tribes'

01 October 2018

Hidden Tribes

Hidden Tribes surveyed Americans’ underlying core beliefs and attitudes to identify the “Exhausted Majority.” Defined in part as the two thirds of Americans tired of our polarization, the “Exhausted Majority” is regularly used by mainstream media and leaders from across the political spectrum.

Culture Wars, Perception Gaps
Cover titled 'Perception Gap How False Impressions are Pulling Americans Apart'

01 June 2019

The Perception Gap

Part of the story of our division is rooted in false polarization, a phenomenon driven by Americans’ misperceptions of “the other side.” This is called a “perception gap” – the gap between what we imagine an opposing group believes and what that group actually believes.

Cover titled 'Two Stories of Distrust'

01 May 2021

Two Stories of Distrust

Drawing on multiple national surveys, More in Common explores the landscape of trust in the United States. At a time of low overall trust level, we highlight two distinct stories of distrust: an ideological “us vs them” distrust and a “social distrust” that has to do more with experiences of belonging, dignity, and equality (or lack thereof).

Culture Wars, Narrative & Communications, American Identity, Perception Gaps
Cover titled 'Defusing the History Wars: Finding Common Ground in Teaching America's Story'

07 December 2022

Defusing the History Wars

To better understand the “history wars”, we conducted a year-long research project asking thousands of Americans their views of American history and national identity and what they understood to be the views of their fellow Americans.