Calista Small Bio Pic

Calista Small

Research Manager

New York, NY

As the Research Manager, Calista Small leads and manages mixed-methods studies on a range of topics related to social cohesion and division in the US. Previously, she worked across two labs at Columbia University: the Couples Lab, where she researched stress in the context of interpersonal relationships, and the SCAN Lab, where she assisted fMRI research on mixed emotional experiences. Prior to her work in psychology, she spent four years working in the arts as both a professional actor and producer of contemporary, interdisciplinary performance. She holds a B.A. in Humanities from Yale University and a post-baccalaureate degree in Psychology from Columbia University.

Favorite MiC Finding:

"Seven out of ten Americans agree that we have a shared responsibility to connect across lines of difference."

-- the Social Connection Pilot Study.

Why:This finding bolsters my confidence that improving intergroup relations in the US is not only possible, but also desired by the majority of the population.