Coco Xu Bio Pic

Coco Xu

Research Associate

New York, NY

At More in Common, Coco works on qualitative and quantitative research on polarization and division in the US, with a particular interest in studying what shapes people’s perceptions of one another, identities and collective memory. She received a MA in History from Columbia University and the London School of Economics, with her research focusing on the history of Chinese immigrants in New York City. She holds a BA in History and Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Coco currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Favorite MiC Finding:

"7 in 10 Americans, including almost 8 in 10 Gen Z, agree that critically examining our history, including our past failures and injustices, is an act of patriotism."

-- Defusing the History Wars: A Black History Month Report

Why: This statistic shows that despite growing concerns over the younger generation’s views on our country, there is broad support for a nuanced form of reflective patriotism among our youth. More research is urgently needed to understand and humanize the views and relationships with democracy among Gen Z Americans.