Jazmin Kreimer Bio Pic

Jazmin Kreimer

Senior Development Associate

LA, Los Angeles, California

Jazmin is an attorney with experience working with corporate, nonprofit, government, and multilateral organizations on humanitarian, civil rights, and human rights issues. She began her career with the U.S. Department of State managing grant programs and advancing policy to protect and assist refugees in countries across Africa. Most recently, Jazmin worked for International Justice Mission, where she led the development of grant proposals for criminal justice reform projects combating human rights abuses around the world. At More in Common, Jazmin enjoys building relationships with funders and partners to design and steward impactful initiatives that bring people together across lines of difference.

Favorite MiC Finding:

"94% of college students we interviewed agree that “we should listen to others with an open mind, including those with whom we disagree.”

-- Free Speech and Inclusion: How College Students are Navigating Shifting Speech Norms

Why: This finding gives me hope that young people see the importance of hearing out those outside of our own bubbles.