Paul Oshinski Bio Pic

Paul Oshinski

Research Associate

Austin, Texas

Paul holds a masters in government from the University of Texas at Austin. He has previously worked in political polling on local, statewide and presidential campaigns, focusing primarily on the Southern United States. Paul lives in Austin, Texas. 

Favorite MiC Finding:

"In a 2023 survey, we found that close to half of Americans said that they would join a conversation with a fellow American who has a different background or beliefs (49%). This is a statistically significant increase for our baseline attitude on this question (42%) from 2022."

-- StoryCorps, One Small Step

Why: In a time when Americans are feeling the effects of polarization and division, I'm refreshed to know that about half of Americans would be willing to sit down for a conversation with someone who is very different from them. Political division is still prevalent these days, but knowing that many Americans are open to dialogue makes me hopeful our country can better understand and communicate with each other.