Fred Duong Bio Pic

Fred Duong, PhD

Research Fellow

Toronto, Canada

Fred is a researcher in social and personality psychology, specializing in the areas of empathy, morality, and political intergroup relations. Fred holds a master’s degree from New York University and a PhD from Northeastern University. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at University of Toronto, Fred is deeply committed to bridging gaps, fostering understanding, and highlighting the diversity of the human experience. 

Favorite MiC Finding:

I’m going to cheat because I have two. First, we leveraged social psychology insights on persuasion to improve perception gap interventions and found the largest partisan animosity reduction that I’ve seen for this kind of intervention. Second, in a large survey of college students, we found they overwhelmingly agree with the values of open-mindedness and dialogue.

-- Overcoming Distrust and Reducing Partisan Animosity - A New Method

-- Free Speech and Inclusion: How College Students are Navigating Shifting Speech Norms

Why: Both give me hope for the potential for positive change in the national conversation.