Jordan Wylie Bio Pic

Jordan Wylie, PhD

Research Fellow

Boston, Massachusetts

Jordan is a postdoctoral researcher at Boston College. Her research examines how morality and emotions affect what we think is wrong and who we think should be punished. She is also currently an NSF postdoctoral fellow, a student affiliate at the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding and was previously a junior scholar at the Stone Center for Inequality. 

Favorite MiC Finding:

This year, we started focusing more on the impact of perceived norms—informal standards that describe typical or desirable behavior—on willingness to connect across lines of difference. So far, we have found that the more people believe others in their community are engaging in such connections (thus perceiving this behavior as more 'normative'), the greater their own interest in doing the same.

-- Social Connection Across Difference in the US

Why: I love this finding because it suggests a positive feedback loop: as more people engage in across lines of difference and view it as a normative behavior, it encourages others to do the same. This may be a powerful tool for designing interventions to reduce social divides.