About Us

Hand holding a small plant icon

Our Mission

Telescope icon

Our Vision

Both in our internal team culture and in working with others, we aspire to be collaborative, curious, humble and generous

Our Story

Putting people at the center 

Our Culture

We value curiosity, and we are always learning.
We are non-partisan but not neutral.
We believe we have a far better chance of success if our team and the partners we work with reflect a broad range of backgrounds, beliefs, political persuasions and life experiences.
We are bound to one another by a common mission and culture, but we value difference and respectful disagreement.
We trust each other.
We always place our mission before our ego and we are generous towards colleagues and other organizations.
We dwell on the edge but not on the margins. We are comfortable being non-conformist.
We feel called to this work by a sense of both urgency and hope.
Our spirit is original, rigorous, relentless and creative.
We share a belief in the power of a good laugh.


An independent, non-partisan non-profit 

Financial Statements

Team picture

Global Initiative

Meet the Team

Board of Directors

More in Common US Team