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17 December 2022

Do Americans even know how to agree?

Tampa Bay Times

Paging through the latest survey research from More in Common, I came upon a phrase…

12 December 2022

Talking politics at family Christmas? 4 tips for a civil discussion

MLive Michigan

“You’re treating them as if they’re terrible people because of this perceived disagreement,” he said….

Media Inquiries?

Whether you want to schedule an interview with one of our researchers, or simply want to jump on a call for background, please reach out to

29 October 2022

The United States’ Unamendable Constitution

The New Yorker

In her newest article in the New Yorker, Jill Lepore explores More in Common’s research…

11 October 2022

Research on people’s perceptions of mid-term elections


In an interview with NBCLX, Dan Vallone discusses MiC’s research on people’s perceptions of mid-term…

11 September 2022

Post 9-11 attitudes and how people remember and interpret the war.


More in Common US director Dan Vallone is interviewed on C-Span about Post 9-11 attitudes…

23 August 2022

Most Americans value civil rights movement but lack ‘robust knowledge’ of the era, survey finds

The Hill

The Hill discusses More In Common’s research on American’s knowledge of Civil Rights leaders and…

30 June 2022

Why On Earth Is Pelosi Supporting The Trumpists

The New York Times

In his weekly column in the New York Times, David Brooks quotes More in Common’s…

09 June 2022

Can Americans Find Common Ground On Jan. 6?

LX News

In an interview on NBCLX in June 2022, More in Common US Director Dan Vallone…

11 April 2022

Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid 

The Atlantic

“…the dart guns of social media give more power and voice to the political extremes…