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11 April 2021

StoryCorps' mission to bridge the US political divide 

ABC News

“You put two people across the political divide together, and they think about each other…

24 March 2021

We See the Left. We See the Right. Can Anyone See the ‘Exhausted Majority’?

New York Times

“While members of the ‘wing’ groups (on both the left and the right) tend to…

Media Inquiries?

Whether you want to schedule an interview with one of our researchers, or simply want to jump on a call for background, please reach out to

20 January 2021

I've lived in both Americas. Most people everywhere don't want to hate each other 

CNN Opinion

“According to Hidden Tribes, a 2018 report on political polarization in America, some 77% of…

16 December 2020

On Patriotic Empathy 

Real Clear Politics

“New research from More in Common… indicates that a mere 34% of progressive activists are…

16 April 2020

The paradox of the pandemic

The Economist

A survey by More in Common, a group that studies polarisation … suggests America is…

19 February 2020

Half of Americans Don’t Vote. What Are They Thinking?


More in Common’s research has provided deep insights into the values and worldviews of Americans…

19 November 2019

Americans exaggerate the extremism of the other side


Daniel Yudkin is associate director of research at the nonpartisan organization More in Common and…

26 July 2019

You’re probably making incorrect assumptions about your opposing political party 

The Washington Post

What we think we know about the other side is usually wrong. More in Common’s…

24 June 2019

The political perception gap

The Financial Times

“If you want the least biased viewpoint, talk to an uneducated Democrat.” More in Common’s…