
Our Impact

In a time when Americans feel intensely divided, our research and partnerships change narratives, disrupt polarization, and build connections across lines of difference. We are a trusted partner for hundreds of different organizations across the country and our insights regularly shape media and news coverage of critical issues. 

Presentation icon with the text '200+'

Organizations we’ve worked with

Megaphone icon with the text '1,000+'

News Stories

Survey icon with the text '60,000'

Americans surveyed

We drive impact at scale in three ways.

Through our research and thought leadership, we disrupt polarized narratives and demonstrate pathways to work together to make progress.

Bar chart showing the distribution of political typologies in the US. Categories are Progressive Activists (8%), Traditional Liberals (11%), Passive Liberals (15%), Politically Disengaged (26%), Moderates (15%), Traditional Conservatives (19%), and Devoted Conservatives (6%). The categories are grouped into 'Wings' and 'Exhausted Majority.'
Cover titled 'The Perception Gap: How False Impressions are Pulling Americans Apart'

With our partnerships, we equip organizations with insights, tools, and strategies to speak and engage across lines of difference, building stories and experiences of a bigger us.

Smiling Individuals Sitting At Picnic Table in Fresno
9 Faces Graphic

Through our networks, we convene unusual partners and grow the field of actors working to strengthen social cohesion.

VCI Logo on square white background

Group photo of people attending the Pluralism Research & Impact event, held on September 28-30, 2023. The group is posing in front of two screens displaying the event's welcome message.
Three people sitting at a table with laptops smiling

More in Common’s research has made vital contributions towards efforts to reduce polarization and build common ground among Americans.

Eboo Patel
Founder and President of Interfaith America
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