01 September 2020
April 3, 2020
American Identity
How are Americans coming together as we face the common threat of COVID-19? Who are we turning to in this crisis? Who are we grateful for? With this study More in Common surveyed how COVID-19 is impacting Americans’ perceptions of unity, division, gratitude, trust, and on how we should respond to the pandemic.
Polling Firm: YouGov
Sample Size: n=2,000 US Adults (nationally representative)
Fieldwork Dates: March 25-30, 2020
Margin of Error: +/- 2.6 for US avg.
of Americans are scared about the American people’s health, a larger share than are scared about their own family’s health.
of Americans now believe that an “economic depression” is more likely than not.
of Americans believe that “we’re all in it together,” compared to just 63% in the fall of 2018.
Explore the depth of our research at your fingertips. Get the complete insights by downloading the full report today.
What unites and divides Americans today? This newsletter takes a closer look at issues pressing on America’s social and political fabric and provides recommendations for how to strengthen ties to keep us bound together.