Politics and Parties

October 12, 2022


Democracy & Elections

American Identity

An online survey of 2,000 adult US citizens in partnership with LX News, a national NBC broadcast & streaming network, focused on Americans’ attitudes towards the 2022 midterm elections and on their feelings about how to best influence politics.

Key Takeaways

  • Americans across party, race, and generations overwhelming see voting as the most effective way to influence politics.
  • Democrats and Republicans are much more likely to want more moderate candidates in the other party than in their own party. In contrast, Independents want more moderate candidates in both parties.
  • Registered voters are ten times more likely to say they will vote in the 2022 general election compared to Americans who are not registered to vote. 

Polling Firm: YouGov  

Sample Size: n=2,000 US Adults (nationally representative)  

Fieldwork Dates: September 27-October 2, 2022 

Margin of Error: +/- 2.5 for US avg. 

1 in 4

is the approximate number of Gen Z and Millennials who say they do not plan to vote in the 2022 midterm election.


of Americans without a high school degree say they will not vote in the 2022 midterm elections, compared to only 11% of Americans with a post-grad degree.

Around half

of Americans believe the Democratic party (49%) and the Republican party (47%) need more moderate candidates.


In late September 2022, LX News, a national NBC broadcast & streaming network, partnered with the research nonprofit More in Common and the international polling company YouGov to conduct online survey interviews with 2,000 adult US citizens. The survey focused on Americans’ attitudes towards the 2022 midterm elections and on their feelings about how to best influence politics. One key focus of the survey was on the desire for more moderate candidates in the major political parties.

Overall, Americans are much more likely to say both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party need more moderate candidates. Partisans are much more likely to want to see more moderate candidates in the other party than in their own party. In contrast, independents want to see more moderate candidates across the board.

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