Ashley Fabrizio Bio Pic

Ashley Fabrizio

Senior Researcher

Palo Alto, California

Ashley Fabrizio is a political scientist and quantitative researcher with experience answering descriptive and inferential questions in technology, academic, and government sectors using observational, survey, and data science methods. She is an expert in global issues of political mobilization, coercive governance, nationalism, human rights, and radicalization. Before joining More in Common, Ashley was a senior quantitative researcher at Meta. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford University and B.A. from Harvard College. 

Favorite MiC Finding:

"Before October 7, Democrats were significantly more likely to see antisemitism as a problem (73%) than were Republicans (56%) or Independents (63%). After October 7, concerns of antisemitism increased across the political spectrum. Now roughly 8 in 10 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents say it is a problem."

-- Changing Attitudes on Antisemitism in America

Why: This is my favorite finding of the year because it is encouraging that longstanding, tricky issues of bias and prejudice, as in the case of antisemitism, can quickly change in response to political developments. People across the political spectrum are becoming more aware of antisemitism and its harmful effects.