Jordan Wylie Bio Pic

Jordan Wylie, PhD

Research Fellow

Boston, Massachusetts

Jordan is a postdoctoral researcher at Boston College. Her research examines how morality and emotions affect what we think is wrong and who we think should be punished. She is also currently an NSF postdoctoral fellow, a student affiliate at the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding and was previously a junior scholar at the Stone Center for Inequality. 

Favorite MiC Finding:

The strongest predictor of interest in cross-group interaction is perceived community norms, or the belief that cross-group relationships are common and valued.

Source: Social Connection project (publication forthcoming)

Why: This finding is really encouraging because norms are more malleable than demographic factors like age or income or traits like intellectual humility or extraversion. This means that there are likely opportunities to design interventions that effectively shift norms and promote positive cross-group interaction, a core tenant of a well-functioning society.