Julia Coffin Bio Pic

Julia Coffin

Head of Partnerships

Baltimore, Maryland

Julia joined More in Common in 2021, bringing nearly a decade experience advancing programs and policies to protect and assist migrants and refugees in the United States and internationally. Selected as a Rotary Peace Fellow, she completed an MA in Peace, Conflict and Development at the University of Bradford and has a BA in Sociology, Anthropology and Religion from St. Olaf College. Previously, Julia led peace and leadership development programming for youth in Nepal as a Fulbright Scholar. Julia currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Favorite MiC Finding:

“I would like all Americans to understand that just because we’re Muslim doesn’t make us any less American than they are. We like baseball. We like hot dogs, albeit beef hot dogs. We like playing with our children. We like to do all the same things that every other American likes to do. We pray five times a day, we go to a “church” on a Friday instead of a Sunday, and we believe that all of us are equally blessed and are going to make it to heaven. I would like Americans to know in a nutshell that we’re all Americans, that we’re good people and that if you get to know us, you’re really going to like us.” – Bradley, 44-year-old mixed-race man, Muslim, slightly liberal Independent from California

Source: Promising Revelations

Why: This year, I participated in in-depth interviews, casual conversations, and focus groups with faith leaders and Americans of faith as part of our Promising Revelations study. Rich in humility, curiosity, and faith, these conversations challenged my assumptions, pushed me to wrestle with big questions, and offered a constant source of hope. Bradley’s quote stood out because it beautifully captures the essence of pluralism: valuing our differences while celebrating the shared humanity that connects us. It’s also such a good lesson in compelling storytelling—relatable, authentic, and infused with humor.