Julia Coffin Bio Pic

Julia Coffin

Senior Associate

Baltimore, Maryland

Julia joined More in Common in 2021, bringing nearly a decade experience advancing programs and policies to protect and assist migrants and refugees in the United States and internationally. Selected as a Rotary Peace Fellow, she completed an MA in Peace, Conflict and Development at the University of Bradford and has a BA in Sociology, Anthropology and Religion from St. Olaf College. Previously, Julia led peace and leadership development programming for youth in Nepal as a Fulbright Scholar. Julia currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Favorite MiC Finding:

"1 in 4 American adults are interested in playing a role in refugee sponsorships in the next couple of years, meaning more than 50 million Americans are potential sponsors."

-- Welcome Corps

Why: In 2023, I had the privilege of facilitating focus groups with volunteer sponsors who helped to resettle Afghan and Ukrainian refugees in communities across the US. While I don’t typically get teary-eyed in such settings, they were some of the most moving conversations of my life. Volunteers spoke passionately about how the experience deepened their faith, strengthened their friendships and community, and challenged preconceived notions about other cultures and religions. As they recounted the joy derived from realizing their ability to make a direct and positive impact on someone's life, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope amid a year dominated by narratives of the loneliness crisis.