Stephen Hawkins Bio Pic

Stephen Hawkins

Research Director

Washington D.C.

Stephen has served as the Director of Research for More in Common since the organization’s founding in 2016, overseeing studies on the psychology of political division in nine countries. Prior to joining More in Common, Stephen conducted public opinion research for Fortune 100 companies, United Nations agencies, electoral campaigns and political movements. Stephen speaks frequently at national and international conferences, has taken caller questions on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal and appears regularly on CPR’s Colorado Matters to discuss politics and polarization. He holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.  

Favorite MiC Finding:

"We can reduce the negative feelings that Republicans and Democrats have towards each other back to 1980s levels, when partisans felt neutrally towards each other. This year we learned that the key is to show a video where a fellow Republican or Democrat goes on an authentic ‘journey of persuasion’ where people in the video begin skeptical, see compelling testimony and read statistics about the other side, and then emerge more reassured and encouraged."

-- Overcoming Distrust and Reducing Partisan Animosity - A New Method

Why: Still proud that this video intervention outperformed the 25 others selected by Stanford’s Strengthening Democracy Challenge.