November 9, 2022

Overwhelming Majority of Americans Express Warmth and Confidence Toward Veterans; See Them As Civic Role Models 

New Survey Suggests Veterans Can Play a Vital Role in Building Healthier Civic Discourse

November 9, 2022 – A new survey released by More in Common U.S. finds 8 in 10 Americans across the political spectrum exhibit confidence and warmth toward U.S. military veterans, despite declining trust in institutions and the worsening toxicity and polarization marking political behavior. The survey findings suggest that veterans could play a unique role in disrupting the cycle of polarization and division in the U.S.

86 percent of Americans say they “trust veterans to do what is right for America,” and 76 percent say veterans are “role models for good citizenship.” Additionally, 26 percent of Americans said that having a veteran serve as a poll worker would increase their confidence that the election was run fairly.

“Polarization and toxic political discourse have steadily eroded trust in institutions. Yet, veterans retain overwhelming confidence and warmth across the political spectrum,” said Dan Vallone, executive director of More in Common U.S. “With so many Americans exhausted by the polarization and bitterness in our debates, we need leaders willing and able to break us out of this dangerous cycle. Our data underscores how veterans have unique potential to help promote healthier politics.”

Most Americans (81 percent) across the political spectrum say they believe that it is very or somewhat important for nonveterans to engage with veterans in their local communities. However, 54 percent have “never or have rarely talked with a veteran.”

“If Americans continue to lose connections to the veteran community, we risk losing an appreciation of the value veterans play in serving our country, and a significant opportunity to reach across our ideological divides, as our study suggests,” added Vallone.

These findings are part of a wide-ranging survey of U.S. adults, which asked respondents about their perceptions and relationships with veterans, views on veteran-related issues and how people will celebrate Veterans Day, among other topics.

8 in 10 Americans said they will celebrate Veterans Day this year by either flying the American flag, expressing gratitude towards veterans on social media, and talking to a veteran in person or online.


About More in Common U.S.
More in Common U.S. is a non-partisan research and civic nonprofit that studies the forces pulling America apart, seeking to disrupt polarization and forge a stronger sense of what Americans have in common. Through its Veterans and Citizens Initiative, it works to connect veterans and the broader civilian society.