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06 January 2023

Dems and Repubs: A mismatch in perception

Murray Ledger and Times – Kentucky

Results of the poll, done by an organization called “More in Common,” are fascinating. “It…

04 January 2023

Americans agree on how to teach history more than we think 

News Nation

A new report by the group More In Common found what researchers called a “perception…

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Whether you want to schedule an interview with one of our researchers, or simply want to jump on a call for background, please reach out to

03 January 2023

Survey finds Americans divided over how much attention to give Black History Month

The Washington Times

Most adults think Black History Month is integral to the American story, but they disagree…

02 January 2023

Perception versus reality in how different Americans want US history to be taught

Wisconsin Public Radio

Interview with Dan Vallone.

02 January 2023

An Urban's Rural View

Progressive Farmer

“For example, according to a recent study by the nonprofit group More in Common, “…

01 January 2023

An exhausted majority in America is tired of polarization, wants those governing to seek common ground: Kate Carney

Entrenched in a hyperpolarized environment, it can seem like Americans are so divided, common ground…

01 January 2023

Activism and Apathy Are Poisoning American Politics 

The Dispatch

The rage is real. Last month I wrote about the latest survey from my friends…

31 December 2022

Community Editorial Board: New Year’s resolutions for Boulder 

Daily Camera Editorial

An international group called More in Common recently conducted surveys of American citizens regarding the…

18 December 2022

Book banning is bad policy. Let’s make it bad politics

The Washington Post

Opponents of censorship heartily agree that parents should have an important say in how schools…