March 18, 2025

New Report from More in Common Reveals That Most Americans Are Interested in Connecting Across Difference—But Lack Opportunities to Do So

Groundbreaking research finds that while Americans value connection, political divides and a lack of opportunities to connect often prevent engagement 

NEW YORK, NY (March 18, 2025) – A new report released today from More in Common, “The Connection Opportunity: Insights for Bringing Americans Together Across Difference,” reveals that most Americans are interested in engaging with people from different backgrounds and beliefs—especially when working toward a shared goal. However, a lack of opportunity and political apprehension stand in the way of deeper connections.  

The two-year study, based on surveys of more than 6,000 Americans, challenges a narrative that we are too divided to want to engage with one another. It provides fresh insights into how people view social connection across four key lines of difference: race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, and politics. 

Topline findings from the report include: 

  • Seven in ten (70%) Americans feel that they have a sense of responsibility to connect with people whose backgrounds and viewpoints are different from their own. 
  • Most Americans (66%) believe they can learn a lot from interacting with people who are different from them.   
  • Americans, on average, are most interested in working together across lines of difference to achieve a mutual goal that improves their community. 
  • A “lack of opportunity” to connect is the most frequently cited barrier preventing Americans from connecting more across all lines of difference. 
  • While a majority of Americans express interest in activities where they connect across political differences, they are most apprehensive about connecting across political differences than any other lines of difference. 

“At a time when social isolation and division dominate headlines, our research offers a more hopeful picture: Americans do want to connect,” said Calista Small, Research Manager at More in Common US and a lead author on the report. “But a lack of opportunity—not a lack of willingness—is likely the biggest hurdle. If we want to strengthen trust and cohesion in our society, we must create more ways for people to engage meaningfully across differences.” 

Using data collected from more than 4,500 survey respondents, More in Common created a typology of connection—an analysis that allows for a better understanding of the characteristics and behaviors of people who are interested in cultivating more meaningful connection across difference. The report also outlines seven “Levers of Change” for government, media, corporations, and civil society to put into practice that More in Common’s research suggests can foster greater connection across difference. Additionally, the report explores how the national trends uncovered in our research play out in three metro areas—Houston, Pittsburgh, and Kansas City. 

“This report is a wake-up call: Americans aren’t as divided as we think. While our nation’s deep divisions won’t be solved overnight, this first-of-its-kind research shows that fostering connection is possible if we are intentional about bringing people together,” added Jason Mangone, Executive Director at More in Common US. “The good news is that people want to connect across difference. Now, it’s up to our communities, our institutions, and our leaders to use their power for good and make it happen—and up to philanthropists across the country who are serious about connection to use this report as a starting point for fostering Americans’ willingness to connect.”  

More in Common’s report was authored by Calista Small, Daniel Yudkin, Ph.D., Jordan Wylie, Ph.D., Kate Carney, Ashley Fabrizio, Ph.D., with consultation from Linda R. Tropp, Ph.D., Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  

To read the full report and explore actionable recommendations, visit  

Additionally, More in Common is hosting several upcoming events, alongside the Council on Foundations, Democracy Notes, Healthy Places by Design, and other partners, to deep dive into the research from this report. Register for upcoming events here.  

About More in Common 

Founded in 2017, More in Common seeks to understand the forces driving us apart, find common ground, and help bring Americans together to tackle shared challenges. We work with over 200 groups across civil society, business, education, and philanthropy, to conduct actionable research that informs policymakers, community leaders, and the public. Learn more at

Media Contact: Aly Ferguson,